License Renewal

Renewal is available for licenses with active support, or when support has expired within approximately one month.

Old Expiration New Expiration Cost

Your serial number is in your license file (use any text editor) or in the "About" dialog in Binary Ninja. On Linux and Windows "About" is available under the "Help" menu, and on MacOS it is available under the "Binary Ninja" menu.

Renewal Rates

License Purchase Price
(does not include student discount)
Support Renewal Price
(does not include student discount)
Non-Commercial (x1) $299 $149
Commercial (x1) $1499 $749
Ultimate (x1) $2999* $1499*

The email used for this purchase does not have to be the same email the license is registered to. The purchase receipt will go to the address used for the purchase, but the updated license information will be sent to the email associated with the license.