Current/Past Sponsorships
Below is a (non-exhaustive) list of current and past sponsorships that we have approved:
- BCACTF 5.0
- Sekai CTF (2023, 2024)
- TFC CTF 2023
- Midnight Sun CTF (2022, 2023, 2024)
- HBTLA Kaindorf 2023 SchoolCTF and JuniorCTF
- UMDCTF (2023, 2024)
- US Cyber Games: Season 2
- MHSCTF 2022
- Open Obfuscator
- Cyber Security Challenge Germany (2022, 2023)
- PlaidCTF
- MapleCTF 2023
- justCTF
- Crusaders of Rust CTF (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024)
- ImaginaryCTF 2023
- ångstromCTF (2022)
- Cyber Security Challenge Germany
- Nachwuchsförderung IT-Sicherheit (Promotion of IT security for Youths)
- Potsdam Cyber Games
Sponsorship Requests
Interested in applying for a Binary Ninja sponsorship for your project or event?
We love sponsoring open source projects, competitions, conferences, and more! We're generally open to sponsoring any activity that will benefit the wider reverse engineering community. However, we also want to make sure they're a good fit for us.
Types of sponsorship
What does sponsorship look like? We provide support in a number of ways depending on the situation. That could include, but isn't necessarily limited to:
- Licenses
- Financial support
- Shirts, Mugs, Stickers, etc.
Successful applications for sponsorship are generally:
- Include dates! - Make sure to include the date of the event and always ensure you contact us more than two weeks before the event.
- Personalized - If you're asking for support, don't give us a standard boilerplate form-letter. The least you can do is include something hand-written. Note that attaching a sponsorship packet is totally fine and shows a mature level of organization. Just make sure the email itself isn't a copy/paste!
- Specific - Make a specific request and explain what type of support you're looking for. Is it money? How much? Licenses? How many? If you have an existing sponsorship tier document, definitely include that.
- Context! - Please include relevent information about when your event is, whether it's your first event, etc!
- Mature - We are interested in supporting efforts held in high regard. If, for example, your project is in alpha or your CTF has a low or default score on CTFTime, we are unlikely to sponsor. You're always welcome to apply, but realize that we will hold new efforts to a much higher standard and are less likely to sponsor versus those with an existing track record and level of maturity.
How to Apply
Just email [email protected] (and keep in mind the points above). That's it!