Binary Ninja Blog

State of the Ninja: Episode 10

This month’s state of the Ninja contains the usual mid-month status updates, including a brief summary of previous and upcoming commits, sightings of Binary Ninja in the news and online, upcoming events, and a few special announcements.

The first special announcement is an opportunity for a free Binary Ninja license!


Thanks to point3 for including a free Binary Ninja license with every subscription of their Escalate™ online learning platform. Escalate™ is Point3’s gamified, challenge-based, online ecosystem launching on Cyber Monday, November 27, 2017. Escalate™ is available for pre-sale from November 8th until November 27th. Point3 will be giving away a FREE BinaryNinja license (Valued at $149!) with all pre-sale orders received. Make sure to visit to reserve your Escalate™ privilege, and to receive a free Binary Ninja license!

Last Month in Code

Here’s a quick summary of changes committed since Episode 9:

  • Several crashes fixed (#833, #871, )
  • PDB loading improved (additional file extensions handled properly)
  • File format improvements
    • Several ELF parsing improvements, some architecture specific and including improved debug logging
  • Several architecture improvements (disassembly, lifting, or dataflow):
  • Core Improvements
  • UI
    • Product status (updates, license renewal period, expired) UI element added

As always, any customers with a valid support license can follow along with our dev builds by switching update channels in preferences

Upcoming in Code

  • Floating point IL as well as x87 and MIPS floating point lifting

In the News

Here’s some of the more recent sightings of Binary Ninja in presentations, write-ups, and other media:

  • ret 2 systems has been on a tear with Binary Ninja related posts on their blog with decompiler dangers using a BN script to modify import ordinals, a new version of ripr that works without custom QT elements, and a nice writeup on dealing with a custom architecture from FlareOn
  • bnpy an early architecture plugin for Python bytecode

Upcoming Events

Dates Event
N/A Nothing right now – we’re evaluating potential locations and dates for upcoming trainings. Get in touch if you’re interested!

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