Binary Ninja Blog

4.0 Update

The Binary Ninja development team here at Vector 35 is hard at work on the next version of Binary Ninja. 4.1 will bring some awesome features like ARM Linux builds, the automated base address detection feature we showed off last week, and some decompiler output improvements you won’t want to miss! These first two are available now to customers with active support via our dev channel.

Unfortunately, the wait for 4.1 will be just a little bit longer. As a result, we’ve decided to release an updated build for our current stable release, 4.0.5336, that addresses some issues we felt couldn’t wait.

Update (2024-06-12): The original post neglected to mention this, but we have dropped support for Ubuntu 20.04 (now that Ubuntu 24.04 is out) in the upcoming 4.1 stable. Sadly, because we have already updated our build infrastructure, this interim release also does not support Ubuntu 20.04.

Issues that were fixed in this build include:

  • 5158: A bug causing hangs while setting types under some conditions
  • 5254: A crash when cancelling during BNLoadBinaryView with a registered progress callback
  • 5255: A crash when opening a binary in circumstances where a SidebarWidget is NULL
  • 5401: A crash in Fedora 40 (also related to KDE 6)
  • 5441: A crash when reopening a BNDB that contains a large number of nested folders in the Symbols View
  • 5444: A crash when opening a BNDB with ExternalLibraries outside of a project
  • 5445: A crash when using enumeration display types under some conditions
  • 5446: A bug preventing the command palette from working on KDE 6
  • Debugger 566: LLDB on Windows using Binary Ninja Free no longer crashes, but remains non-functional

These builds are now live on both our update servers and via our website. If you’re a Binary Ninja Free user, you can download a new installer here. If you’re a Personal, Commercial, or Enterprise user, you can request a new installer via the license recovery page or update your existing client.