Binary Ninja Blog

2024 Reverse Engineering Survey: The State of the Industry

We are excited to share results from our 2024 Reverse Engineering survey! This annual survey helps unpack the current state of the reverse engineering industry and gives insight into how Binary Ninja can better serve the reverse engineering community. Let’s dive into the insights.


Introducing VxWorks Support for Binary Ninja Ultimate

VxWorks is a widely deployed real-time operating system (RTOS). It is used in a wide range of applications, including networking, aerospace, and industrial control systems. VxWorks is known for its reliability, performance, and scalability, making it a popular choice for embedded mission-critical systems.

We are excited to announce support for VxWorks in version 4.2 of Binary Ninja Ultimate! This post provides an introduction to VxWorks and explains how Binary Ninja can be used to reverse engineer VxWorks images.


Objective-C Update

We’ve been very hard at work improving the experience for our iOS and macOS reverse engineers. You’ll want to keep an eye out for our upcoming 4.2 feature release announcement stream which includes some even juicier bits. In the meantime, hopefully this will tide you over.

This blog is a short summary of the current state of Objective-C analysis in Binary Ninja.


Plugin Spotlight: CoolSigMaker

EDITOR’S NOTE: This guest-post was brought to you by unknowntrojan, shedding light on one of the lesser-known plugins, coolsigmaker.

A common desire in reverse engineering is to match re-used code across multiple binaries. Whether you’re doing malware lineage tracking, identifying a statically compiled library, or any other use case about identifying similar code, there are multiple technologies that attempt to solve parts of this problem. Other tools for related problems include SigKit (Binary Ninja’s static library detection), IDA’s FLIRT/FLAIR and Lumina features, or even more advanced systems like Diaphora or BinDiff.

Related to those, you might already be familiar with the “SigMaker” style of plugins for various platforms[1] [2] [3]. These plugins generate patterns from code that can be used to find said code across different binaries or find the same function reliably between application updates. This is useful for malware classification and static-library identification among other purposes.

binja_coolsigmaker is just that: a fast and reliable “SigMaker” plugin for Binary Ninja.


Binary Ninja Ultimate

Binja character getting a powerful upgrade for his prosthetic arm >

Today, we are releasing the newest edition of our flagship product: Binary Ninja Ultimate.

The Ultimate edition includes all of the same features you know and love from Binary Ninja Commercial, but also includes the architectures we’ve been selling separately over our past few releases. This lets us simplify our release pipeline and our pricing at the same time without raising prices for any existing customers. For the next few months, we’ll be selling this edition at a reduced, introductory price as we continue to build out additional features.

Under-the-hood, Binary Ninja Ultimate is a re-brand of our existing Binary Ninja Enterprise client builds, but now with named (instead of just floating) licenses. This means all current Enterprise customers will get Ultimate features at no extra cost and all future Ultimate customers will have the ability to add an Enterprise server at any time.

Some additional clarifications up-front for our existing customers:

  • If you’re a Non-Commercial customer, nothing is changing.
  • If you’re a Commercial customer happy with our existing architecture support, nothing is changing.
  • If you’re an Enterprise customer, you will receive many new architectures for free with your existing licenses!
  • If you had previously purchased a license to nanoMIPS or TriCore (speaking of which, make sure to catch up on our other blog post today with much more detail about our TriCore support), you will receive a free upgrade to Binary Ninja Ultimate.

TriCore Architecture

TriCore firmware is important for security researchers since it is found in a wide range of car components. While we originally announced the availability of a separate paid TriCore plugin in our 4.1 release, we have since updated it and are excited to now ship TriCore to all Binary Ninja Ultimate customers! This not only makes it cheaper and enables access to other architectures, but makes getting access easier than ever. If you haven’t heard of Ultimate yet, check out our other announcement from today!


Advanced UEFI Analysis with Binary Ninja

The Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) is a specification that defines the architecture of firmware used for booting computers. It contains the initial code that runs on most modern PCs and mobile devices, operating at the highest privilege levels before the operating system loads. This makes UEFI a fascinating area for reverse engineering.

Let’s delve into some firmware samples and demonstrate how Binary Ninja and our official EFI Resolver plugin can automate the analysis of UEFI binaries. The features highlighted in this blog post represent a culmination of efforts that began prior to the release of Binary Ninja 3.5. This ongoing work includes recent contributions by Zichuan, one of our summer interns!


4.1 Release 2

Much like our 4.0 re-release, we are releasing an updated 4.1 with a few additional changes. As always, you can switch to the dev channel to receive these fixes and more, while build 4.1.5902 released today is for those who prefer to stay on stable releases.


Sidekick 2.0

It’s been just under 4 months since we officially launched Sidekick 1.0. During that time, we have been busy making improvements and creating new ways to make reversing even easier. All of that hard work has culminated into the release of Sidekick 2.0, which we are pleased to introduce to you today.

We don’t increment major version numbers lightly, and Sidekick has earned this bump with a major new feature that will change the way you reverse engineer in addition to other improvements and fixes.

Not long ago, we gave a sneak preview of the Analysis Workbench (formerly called the Analysis Console) and wrote a blog introducing its concepts in advance of this release. With the Sidekick 2.0 release today, it’s here and ready to save you time and effort.


Sidekick in Action: Analyzing Firmware

Sidekick 2.0 introduces a powerful set of features that significantly enhance firmware analysis capabilities. In this post, we’ll demonstrate how Sidekick, in conjunction with the Firmware Ninja plugin (currently in development) for Binary Ninja, can streamline the process of analyzing Memory Mapped I/O (MMIO) in firmware samples.


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